
The Society of Jesus, or “Jesuits,” is a religious order within the Roman Catholic Church. 作为一所耶稣会大学, we dedicate ourselves to academic excellence under the inspiration of the Catholic faith and intellectual tradition. 我们的教师, staff and students recognize and affirm the importance of academic freedom in the pursuit of truth; and consistent with our Christian vision of the dignity of each human person, 我们欢迎并尊重学生, faculty and staff from all faith traditions and beliefs.



Regis has active memberships with the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities and the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities.


A prominent role of the Standing Committee of Mission, 以及学术和学生事务, is overseeing the University’s Jesuit Catholic character.


We consistently reach out to other Catholic organizations, 服务学习项目的学校和团体, 出国留学的机会等等.


It is important to us that faculty and staff have a deep knowledge of our Jesuit Catholic roots, and we encourage them to explore our heritage through programs and trainings.

St的状况. 洛约拉大学的伊格内修斯在丹佛西北校区


7月31日是圣公会的节日. 罗耀拉的依纳爵. When Ignatius was canonized by Pope Gregory XV in 1622, July 31st was chosen as his feast day. His main task was to form a community of apostles who, 虽然分散在全球各地, maintained union of mind and heart with their brothers. He founded what is now known as the Society of Jesus – the Jesuit order in 1556. He also helped to establish schools and universities around the world. As the year of Ignatian wraps up on July 31 we continue to celebrate and, also reflect on the incredible impact he has had on the world and all of us.

The office of Mission created a reflection book to help guide readers through the journey of St. Ignatius and how we can incorporate some of the spiritual teachings he developed in our lives.




博彩网站 has been recognized for excellence in higher education, 成为国家的一员 天主教杰出学院.

Our Jesuit tradition and heritage are not merely concepts we teach our students. They are principles we exercise in a multitude of initiatives. At our core, we are men and women in service of others seeking to find God in all things.



No! 博彩网站’s student body is a diverse group from all faith and belief backgrounds. We are an inclusive community and 大学省 offers a variety of events and programs with this in mind. 纽兰祈祷室在圣. John Francis Regis Chapel is specifically designed for students of all faiths to gather, and 大学省 hosts a variety of interfaith and non-Catholic events with all students in mind.

Does Regis offer areas of study or course work in the Catholic faith?

我们辅修天主教研究, which takes an interdisciplinary approach and offers an opportunity to deepen understanding of the Catholic Christian tradition and its relationships historically and in present day with intellectual thought, 社会, 政治, 道德, 灵性, 经济学, 科学, 媒体, 文学, 艺术和文化的其他方面.

What services/liturgies are available to Catholic students?

大学省 offers opportunities for Catholics and non-Catholics alike to participate in and practice their faith. 我们欢迎里吉斯社区的所有成员, 还有我们当地社区的人, 与我们一同敬拜,丰富属灵. For the most up-to-date schedule information, please call 大学省 at 303.458.4153.

St. 依纳爵罗耀拉校园雕像


大学省 invites you to ‘come as you are’ to explore issues of faith, 灵性和社会正义. 我们想你会很高兴你这么做的!


奖学金 are available for students coming from Catholic high schools including Arrupe Jesuit High School, to which Regis has a partnership scholarship program. 其他奖学金包括:

  • Catholic clergy and religious workers tuition discount
  • 天主教学校学生教学奖学金
  • 依纳爵宗教领袖奖学金
  • Course tuition grants for Arrupe Jesuit High School and Escuela de Guadalupe faculty


Our core course requirements for all traditional students include religious studies, 哲学, 寻找意义, 正义和共同利益, 以及医疗伦理, as well as a "Leading Lives That Matter” course requirement for all undergraduate adult students.

除了, you can opt to take Catholic classes including Catholic Christianity, 繁荣与天主教伦理, 天主教社会思想, 拉丁美洲/天主教, 耶稣会精神, Catholic Imagination in Literature and Film and Classics of Christian Thought. We also have a Catholic Studies minor for undergraduates.


  • 每日弥撒及主日弥撒
  • 特殊的礼拜仪式:节日, 圣神弥撒圣灵弥撒, 瓜达卢佩圣母, 圣诞节, 圣周, 学士学位的质量, 纪念群众, 将临期和四旬期和解服务
  • 每周敬拜,常伴祝福
  • 每周和解,也提供预约
  • Advent daily email reflections for students, staff and faculty
  • Ongoing opportunities for student formation as liturgical ministers and in chapel choir
  • 大斋节期间的十字架站
  • 信仰 & Justice Spring Break trip to Dolores Mission/首页boy Industries; Urban Plunge; Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice
  • 成人基督徒入门仪式
  • Weekly Prayer at night for students: live Praise and Worship music, student faith-sharing, Adoration
  • Promotion of vocation events for those considering religious life
  • Catholic post-grad service opportunities widely publicized for students
  • Annual retreat series (New students “Connections”, Kairos, Discernment and Ignatian silent retreats)
  • 在宿舍里的大臣们
  • 学生 organizations such as Romero House (Catholic Campus Ministry Association national award-winning program)
  • Funding support to send students to regional and national Catholic programs such as the SEEK retreat, 生命游行和世界青年日